March has come forward and the vast resources of energy are here…yet what do you do with that and how can you move through the myriad of ways it is expressing?
You are commanding the light whether you know it or not and it is VALUABLE to CONSCIOUSLY command the light and co-create your best life…right now.
Sri & Kira will discuss this powerful subject and offer clear and concise ways that you can step into your divine co-creative power to command the light…heal your life…heal our world! A BIG SHOW!
Note! This show is so important/powerful that Sri & Kira are inviting this to be played again on March 12. Be sure to join us LIVE on March 19 as Sri & Kira will be on a journey during the March 12 period and have been guided to share more about this journey on the March 19 show! Make a note and tune in!
Listen to this show: