Fresh! Funny! Fascinating! Discover why Sri & Kira are the leaders in alternative talk for over 13 years! LIVE Sunday’s at Noon, PT, USA
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Join The Mystical Couple of our time, Sri and Kira, for TWO LIVE shows every month....scroll to see all...

Explore the Deeper Mysteries....

Sri & Kira, a twin flame couple, boldly answer tough questions with FRESH perspectives and authenticity delivering spot on accuracy! Provocative? Absolutely! Open your eyes…wider! Expand your heart & Claim Mastery!

Internationally acclaimed for “walking the walk”, Sri is a gifted Psychotherapist, and Master Avesa Medical Intuitive Quantum Healer. Born clairvoyant, Kira was declared dead from cancer in 1989. She is known as the most prolifically accurate Oracle of modern history.

Publicly active since 2003, Sri & Kira arrived at the forefront of the higher consciousness movement due to the wisdom, clarity and accuracy of the information they share with the world. With five best-selling books, (their next book drops Fall 2019), they present extraordinary insights about human origins, divine destination and Authenticity AS Passionate Action.

Magazine columnists, including several cover stories, Newsweek magazine stated: “Sri & Kira are offering reassurance and uplifting the consciousness of the world.”

Sri & Kira Broadcast LIVE and your calls and mini soul reading requests welcomed!

To ask a question that may be answered live, send your email to:

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Our Radio show archives are now on video at YouTube - Click Here


Sundays, 12:00 noon Pacific Time:  Sri &Kira Live: The VOICE OF PASSIONATE ACTION!

Sri & Kira take you on a journey of discovery as to  how the energy of the current month is affecting  your Peace,Love & Joy!

Always Timely and Always PERFECT!  Plus!  Call-in to Receive a mini Soul Reading on air!

Our Shows are now 100% video.  Visit "Official Sri & Kira" at

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Sri & Kira's groundbreaking LIVE SHOWS  simulcast at!       Check it out!

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