
What is a Mini-Soul Reading?

Angelic Oracle Kira Raa was born highly clairvoyant and is now widely accepted as the most prolific and accurate Oracle of modern history. During Sri and Kira LIVE on Sundays at Noon Pacific Time on BBS Radio Station 1, Kira offers a Mini version of her profound soul readings on air to bring clarity and life shifting guidance brought forth from your Soul family and guides!

Great healing takes place not only for the recipient of the mini soul readings but also benefit many of our listeners that too are having some of the same challenges and questions in their lives!

Sri Ram Kaa shares his gifts of extraordinary wisdom and knowledge to support you on your journey as together they hold tremendous love, compassion and presence for you.

The phone lines fill up fast so dial in to get your spot on air as Sri and Kira will answer as many callers as possible during each show.

Call Toll Free 888-627-6008 US/Canada

Soul Reading Testimonials

My Dearest Sri and Kira,
Thank You for reading my July 6, 2016 e-mail on your July 10th radio show. Thank Hu for addressing and answering both my written and unwritten questions. Your response to that e-mail was proof of the power & speed of manifestations on Earth today.
I enjoyed hearing your joyful Loving inner children get passionate and excited about sharing information and caring about us. Your presentation was not only uplifting but it was also "Inspirational". It was like I could see Divine Loving Information Fountains sending mini Violet Flame Sparks into the Earth's Planetary Thought Body transmuting fearful thoughts into Loving thoughts
Love & Light ... Joyce ... Always & in all ways

Beloved Sri and Kira,
I love you! Thank you for the amazing soul reading. Thank you for the wonderful work you do! You inspire me! Thank you for the on-air shot out, my heart is overflowing with gratitude! Namaste! Jillian

Namaste Sri and Kira!
The last two shows ignited the urgency to express my love and gratitude to you both and to share the way your service has been and still continues to change my life.

I was guided to embark on a spiritual search last November and strongly resonated with your teachings, your message and your beautiful vibrations. So, despite of all that is available out there, I chose you two! Am I ever glad I trusted myself:-). You see, at that point I did not really "know" about the spiritual essentials, yet it turns out I did KNOW. Since then, I've been taking few classes with you, including NIM and listening to all your videos, as well as your radio show.

EVERYTHING you guys have said is spot on! I hope you can both feel the extent of gratitude, joy and love flowing your way...I am truly blessed to connect with you.
Much love to you both and all the beautify beings who are supporting you in servicing the planet in such a significant way.
Many blessing, Branka

Dear, Sri and Kira
The love you so freely share is changing me at a deep level. Everything about you is abundant and free. Blocks and beliefs I have tried to work with for years are melting by YOUR BEING. I am so honored, you are the perfect example for me as how and what I want to be for others in my life. It meant so much to me that you took the time to read my letter and help me and love me through it, that is all I ever wanted. Why is it so easy for you to love? You are making it easy for me to learn to receive. Just listening to you is receiving. I hope you feel my expanded heart and tremendous gratitude. I always felt alone with this and I love how fearless you are to tackle any issue, especially ones people shy away from. Sending you both a big hug. I can't wait to meet you. What an honor it is to know you. I love you, I love you, I love! Thank you! Namaste, Alex

Thank you so much Kira and Sri for the encouragement and insight for me to return to Los Angeles! It was a brutal first go around where I stayed at 33 different Airbnb's in 6 months but I know I was adding light to the grid all around LA. It's no surprise that I'm being aligned with Elon Musk to find backing for this cosmic insight that I'm being downloaded with since he's "obsessed" with I am not to patent the cosmic insight but to open source it and make it affordable for all those who are of the Light. It is time for miracles again. People need hope when their reality is falling apart.
Here's to a peaceful n loving paradigm! ~Ellen

Namaste Sri and Kira,
Thank you for the taking the time to write me. I was able to hear the show live and my heart exploded with gratitude and honor. I was deeply touched and I am excited to hear it again as there was so much energy moving through me. Cleansing tears of gratitude continue to fall as Sri and Kira and this great community lead by love. I feel at home here and I am so grateful for the SUNSHINE.

I wanted to say thank you for your wonderful soul reading. I had just discovered you and the day I called had just woke up from a nap. In my groggy state felt like listening to some of your radio shows. I had the perfect timing as you just started a show and I was able to call in. Anyways, I felt guided to you so thank you so much.
Your beautiful messages and teachings resonate with me very deeply and I am so grateful you are offering your knowledge to the world. Your radio show topics have almost mirrored exactly what I had / have bee feeling in my life. It truly helps to offer reassurance to that little voice of knowing inside that I can't quite articulate so well but is growing stronger day by day. Your words are guiding me so again thank you from the bottom of my heart – Amanda

Dearest Sri and Kira,
I listened to the radio show again and was so amazed that the mini readings for the other listeners were so relevant in my life
also. After my mini reading it feels although the angst has completely evaporated and there is a serenity in my heart that is new - I am renewed !!! Know that you are truly a gift to all. Much love and gratitude for all that you have done and more importantly shared. Love and Light, Linda

Sri and Kira...
Again, thank you so much for reading my email on last week's show. With the combination of your daily reflections, practices, the self ascension mantra, and your wisdom from Sunday. ..I reached an entirely new state of BEING during my most recent meditation. I truly connected with the pure stream of source energy and was just able to bask in the feeling radiance and knowing without trying to analyze what was happening. I've always thought my mind was still during meditation but now I see that even more stillness and magic is not only possible. ..but inevitable. As Kira said...I'm baking!! So I can finally relax now and KNOW that I will KNOW what I need to KNOW precisely when I need to KNOW It 🙂

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