Are you an army of one?

January 30, 2013

Do you ever feel as if you are standing alone when the tide seems to be pulling others in the opposite direction? Have you been trying to trust yourself without support or sometimes feel judged for being “different? These are powerful questions for powerful times!

From the recent “Godless mom” controversy, the worldwide rise in fundamentalism, monitoring of the foods you are allowed to eat and ever increasing legislative controls, choices are getting harder and personal freedom almost dangerous. What is really happening and how can you swim through it all and still maintain your integrity? Stated by Gandhi over half a century ago and still true today….”Even if you are a minority of one…the truth is the truth.”

Tune in as Sri and Kira address this sensitive issue head on! Learn how to walk into full Avesa Quantum immersion and discover the bigger picture. Fully addressing these issues with clarity and perspective this intriguing show offers you 4 steps to walking tall and answering the question…Are you an army of one?