Category Archives: Spirituality

2017: Stunning predictions for The Year Ahead!

What exactly is a Spiritual Renegade and how can you identify if you are one? As we’re ever closer to 2017 and the deepening of the 5th dimensional energies of the twining earth, we discover a greater call toward authenticity and heart-centered alignment. Is this really a renegade energy and if so, why? The answers
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Live your Ascended Life Today!

The fear energy of December 2017 does not define you! What does it really mean to ascend into the fifth dimensional energy of the twinning earth? How can you embrace this energy NOW? As time speeds up through the 2015-2022 escalator to Ascension, our awareness opens ever more. This is THE MOMENT to come forward with
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Love…Passion…Ascension…or what?

LOVE…just the word conjures up feelings, emotions, memories and so much more! Love is also one of the MOST MISUNDERSTOOD energies present on the planet. Are you loving or not? Are you filled with love or are you “leaking love”? Why does it matter and how does this affect your life…Right now! Sri &
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