Spiritual growth! This extraordinary experience is by necessity an expansionary dance through the density. Spiritual growth offers each being a renewed sense of Self as it expands the worldly perspective. Growth is liberating! As we lift from Density Consciousness into the more ascended states of consciousness, our ego can, and usually is at some point,
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Commanding The Light
You are commanding the light right now, whether you know it or not! Why not do this more consciously?
Many people talk about manifesting abundance, co-creating and the Law of Attraction. There are many methods that enhance your capacity to consciously manifest . And, there are indeed “laws” that describe how consciousness can be applied.
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MANIFEST NOW! Empower your Divine Creation!
The Sacred Valley of Divine Creation
…a cosmic energy attunement
Through Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa
The Cosmic Essene speak:
Hello beloved angels of great light, love, joy, wisdom, power, and resurrection. We come to offer to thee a guidepost for the journey that has begun, has already ended, and is starting again, and
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