What do Machu Picchu, The Taj Mahal, Sedona, Tikal, Stonehenge, and Crop Circles
all have in common?
Each of these spots has been “consecrated” as mystical and sacred
and attract thousands of people to experience what they offer. While most of
these so-called energy centers have graced our planet for centuries, some are
simply temporary temples, like the crop circles. Have you ever felt an affinity
to the Pyramids of Egypt or the ancient ruins in Greece? Do you ever find yourself
fascinated by the art or architecture of an ancient site and find a sense of
familiarity around it?During this fascinating and special show, Sri and Kira
offer new perspectives on these sites and also share some stunning revelations
about the limited access that is starting to occur worldwide! What makes a site
sacred, and why should we care? Tune in and discover the greater depth of the
markers that humanity has left along the way!