What is Ascension Awareness – and why should you know?

July 22, 2018

Lifting into the bliss of Ascension Awareness is a moment of freedom that is yours to claim at any time.  What if EVERYTHING you have experienced was merely a divine “setup” to assist you to remember?

Ascension Awareness is a  gift from the universe that is orchestrated to do everything possible so that YOU can THRIVE and ASCEND into your divine nature WHILE STILL CARRYING YOUR BODY!

Imagine the life that is yours to claim through this process that takes you from the vast playground of Spiritual Activism and LIFTS YOU up and through the perceptions that seek to keep you “down”!

Sri & Kira share how you can accomplish this in a fast paced show that will invite your mind to release and your heart to expand!  Ready for your Ascension Awareness to come forward?

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