Thriving or Surviving?

April 8, 2018

April Integration!  As Sri & Kira honor the request from the Ascended Realms and “go quiet” for the vast amount of this month, it is a power-filled moment to once again call forward a the unified energies of Shanti, Bhakti and Ananda!

Sri & Kira will return LIVE on Sunday, April 29 with the May predictions.
We invite you to gift yourself and connect with intentionally selected Encore shows.  Each of these shows builds upon the other to offer a greater depth and REVELATION of the April Integration!


Thriving or Surviving?

Two people are on the journey of ascended awakening. One is thriving, and seemingly living the life of their dreams and the other is merely surviving and seemingly stuck in a pattern that feels challenging.

Both carry beautiful heart space and both are eager to keep progressing on the journey. So what is the magic that offers one being the gift of thriving?

 Sri & Kira share this divine “secret” and this is a show that will stay with you long after it ends!  Powerful, Sacred and the wisdom that will assist you to honestly break free!
Listen to This Show Here