Peaceful Warriors and Loving Presence!During this unique show, settle in and prepare to go on a journey with Peaceful Warrior Dan Millman, Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa. The show opens with Dan sharing powerful stories of his journey, how he found himself coping with major life shift and chaos and ultimately found the keys to moving forward! Then, producer Randall Libero turns the microphone on Sri and Kira for an interview that reveals never before shared information about their journey as Loving Spiritual warriors. Listen and delight as they reveal insights for how we all can call forth our warrior energy for balanced loving presence everyday! A show that will warm your heart and touch your soul! “You can not distort reality and know what it is…because you are trying to make yourself unreal.” Course In Miracles
Peaceful Warriors and Loving Presence!
August 22, 2007Peaceful Warriors and Loving Presence!During this unique show, settle in and prepare to go on a journey with Peaceful Warrior Dan Millman, Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa. The show opens with Dan sharing powerful stories of his journey, how he found himself coping with major life shift and chaos and ultimately found the keys to moving forward! Then, producer Randall Libero turns the microphone on Sri and Kira for an interview that reveals never before shared information about their journey as Loving Spiritual warriors. Listen and delight as they reveal insights for how we all can call forth our warrior energy for balanced loving presence everyday! A show that will warm your heart and touch your soul! “You can not distort reality and know what it is…because you are trying to make yourself unreal.” Course In Miracles