Animals in danger! Healing partners for our world
GUEST: Dr. Juan Pablo Calderon — This gifted veterinarian from Guatemala has advanced training and experience in working with endangered species of animals and numerous rescue organizations and zoos. He often works selflessly to raise awareness of the urgent need for animal protection. He is busy with private practice in addition to his service work for animal welfare and protection.
Sri and Kira welcome an amazing veterinarian as they share information about the imminent dangers of several species of birds, iguana and other exotic animals being poached to near extinction. This special show is also being filmed and will feature some of the recent rescue birds & iguana at Sri and Kira’s sanctuary in Antigua, Guatemala.
Beyond the sharing of the depth of the endangerment there is the obvious question that will be explored. As we continue to destroy the wildlife and their habitat are we in essence destroying ourselves and our ability to continue to survive on this planet?
This is the culminating show of a month of exploration into the many ways humanity is affecting the healing of the planet and ourselves. We invite you to join us for a very special show and to open your heart and your mind to the beauty and the necessity of taking care of our beloved Gaia and all of her inhabitants.